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Chapel Pantry

PDS became an active partner with Eastern Shore Chapel in supporting the Chapel Pantry, located in Barton House, back behind the school.  The Chapel Pantry is a walk-in food pantry that serves families and individuals in VA Beach who need assistance with food. All the children will take a tour of the Chapel Pantry. They will see where the food is stored, where it is packed into grocery bags, and where it is given out to guests.  We will talk age appropriately about children who don’t have enough to eat and how the families at PDS can help.


We often have a designated “item of the month.”  Sometimes it will be specific, such as “chicken noodle soup;” sometimes it will be open-ended, as in “any breakfast food.”  We encourage you to involve your children in the shopping.  The more hands-on they are, the more meaningful the outreach experience will be.



We have a display in the main hall and a collection box.   At the end of the month, all the items are loaded onto a cart and rolled in to the children’s chapel service.  We pray for those who don’t have enough to eat and we pray for our moms and dads who work so hard to buy the food that we eat every day.


Then the children themselves carry the donations to the Chapel Pantry and put the food on the shelves. ESC and the Chapel Pantry are very thankful to have PDS as a partner.  Thank you in advance for your support.


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