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Feature Teacher, Linda Greaves

Updated: Mar 17, 2021

Linda Greaves has been at Parish Day School for 32 years. For the first 16 years, she taught Pre-K Fours in Room 13. In 2003, she decided to cut back on her hours so that she could travel with her husband. Since this shift, she has been a teacher assistant, an administrative assistant, a camp counselor at Camp Turtle Trap, bus assistant, teacher mentor and lunchroom assistant. She has also organized meals at JCOC and collected shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child for Parish Day School.

Her present duties include Chapel Leader, Librarian, Assistant Godly Play Teacher, food drive facilitator for the Parish Pantry, manipulative/traveling centers organizer, and the Scholastic Book Fair Coordinator.


What is your favorite thing about working at Parish Day School? The best part of my time at PDS has been all the wonderful teachers, children and parents I have had the pleasure of working with and getting to know.

What is something important the children have taught you? The children have taught me to slow down and enjoy the moment. They have also taught me to enjoy the wonders of the world and the people in it.

How do you show children that you value them? I believe you show children you value them by calling them by name, making eye contact with them, being interested in the things they are interested in and taking time to listen to what they have to say.

How do you encourage diversity in our classrooms? I try to encourage diversity in our school by putting books on the lending library carts that the children can relate to and help them be aware of the diversity in our world.

What do you do when things don't go as planned? There are many days when working with preschoolers that things do not go as planned. One needs to be flexible, have a plan B and maybe plan C, and not let it stress you out.

What is your favorite children's books? There are many wonderful children's books, but one of my very favorites is The Tale of the Three Trees retold by Angela Hunt. It is an American folktale about three trees whose wishes come true in a surprising way. It shows us how God has a wonderful plan for each of us.

How do you take care of yourself? I take care of myself by reading, walking, making calendars for my family, scrapbooking and finding time each day to meditate.

My two cents: Every day is not just a dawn; it is a precious chance to start over or begin anew.

My teaching style in three words: Be flexible, be resourceful and have fun!

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